May 8, 2013

So folks have you had to "overcome" something or someone. I sure have had my share. I'm in a stage or state of overcoming or perhaps have overcome but there is still some work for me to do.  Who knew there were definitive states and/or definitions to "overcoming".   Read the epistles and note the differences at Smyrna, Ephesus and Pergamum.  

"...Attention to the promises to him that overcometh in the different epistles seems to confirm what has been said. There is a marked contrast between the tone of these promises as they are given in the two groups of epistles; and even where a certain amount of similarity exists, the promises in the second group will be found to be fuller and richer than in the first. At Ephesus, at Smyrna, and at Pergamum "he that overcometh" is rewarded much, as one still in a simple and childlike state would be. The first promise made to him is that he shall eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God[59]; the second, that he shall not be hurt of the second death[60]; the third, that he shall eat of the hidden manna, and be like the high-priest in the innermost recesses of the sanctuary.[61] All is quiet. The appeal of Him who promises is to the gentler susceptibilities of the soul. The privileges and enjoyments spoken of are adapted to the condition of those who have not yet experienced the struggle of life...." 


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